Thursday, December 9, 2010

West Lawn - Phase II Milwaukee, WI

Champion Environmental Services, Inc. was awarded the hazardous material abatement, building demolition, and site clearance for Phase II at the Westlawn Housing Development in Milwaukee, WI.

The project involves 29 multiunit buildings. The initial phase will be dedicated to the abatement of asbestos containing floor tile/mastic, fittings on fiberglass insulation, transite panels, window caulk, paper duct wrap, and sink undercoating.

After the apartments are properly abated and receive final air clearances, the demolition crew will proceed with wrecking the units. Champion Environmental Services, Inc. anticipates a recycling rate of nearly 97%.

This effort is part of a larger initiative by The Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA). According to a press release by WHEDA on December 3, 2010, the project will evolve into “ . . .the North End - Phase 2 development to construct two, five-story apartment buildings totaling 155 units of rental housing. The program requires the property to set aside 20% of its units for low and moderate income residents. Specifically, 31 apartment units in North End - Phase 2 will be set aside for households at or below 60% of Milwaukee's County Median Income”.

Phase I of Westlawn was recently completed by Champion Environmental Services, Inc.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Milwaukee Smokestack

This morning, in an unforgiveable subzero wind chill, Champion Environmental Services, Inc. mobilized to start the controlled dismantlement of 186’ smokestack. The proximity of key buildings, nearby rail lines, and above ground industrial service pipes dictated that we rig a robotic Brokk to a crane and work our way down in a top to bottom fashion.

Aggressive winter wind proved frustrating for the crane operator, yet, in time, we were able to sequence an approach that clipped the pace to an appropriate tempo.

The succession of pictures is the raising of the Brokk into place and subsequent production within a half hour. If the winds cooperate, the stack will be down in five working days.